Born and raised in the Netherlands in a beautiful place quite near Amsterdam called Wormer!
As a big rap music fan, I feel the duty to keep representing it. Somebody should, right?
While I survived Wormer, I became tired of sharing the TV with my kind-hearted younger sister. Amsterdam was next, where I lived with my beautiful fiancé.
Under the guise of a new adventure and finally receiving the blessing from my beloved grandmother Jannie, we moved to the cold but lovely Finland.
Besides writing, I love to practice Muay Thai and spend time with family and friends. It's always great to return to the Netherlands; visiting the local restaurants, going for drinks and showing my friends how to win with Mario Kart remains a pleasure.
I am at the point where I would like my age to remain a secret... Back when I was young, I always had a passion for fiction! My interest in fiction started with movies. To give a slight clue about my age... I was born before Netflix came into existence. That meant on Friday, I had to convince my supportive (strong-willed) dad to bike together through the rain to the video store, promising to avoid looking in the corner of the 18+ section to end up renting James Bond and Robin Hood. Late on Sunday, racing back through the rain to slip the videotapes through the mailbox at the back of the store. Luckily, my joyful mother taught me to always be on time. Besides, the fines were too high if you returned late. Great memories.
After years of working for various financial companies and feeding a lifelong fascination with the stock market, I decided to merge these interests to write my debut novel, Financial Exchange. Good news. More is coming! If you already read my book, I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Let's connect on the socials.
Kind regards,
Nick Haitsma